MAGES™ SDK Known Issues

MAGES™ SDK 4.3.0


  • When importing the samples in a new project, the corresponding MagesSettings file may not contain the correct reference to the OperationStartUI

  • There is an error “A Native Collection has not been disposed” when https request used

  • When skipping the operation start before MAGES loads all assets, player avatar is missing

  • Can not add custom sounds in collision sound framework

  • Reconnect to session does not always work

MAGES™ SDK 4.2.4


  • When importing the samples in a new project, the corresponding MagesSettings file may not contain the correct reference to the OperationStartUI

  • In medical simulation there is a case where some errors may pop up in the console when the user touches the UIs that appear in the scene

MAGES™ SDK 4.2.2

MAGES™ SDK 4.2.1

MAGES™ SDK 4.2.0

MAGES™ SDK 4.1.0


  • In some cases (e.g. QuestionAction) the Analytics scoring factors are crashing the Action on perform.

  • In CTD there are some artifacts left after performing incisions.

MAGES™ SDK 4.0.2


  • When you log in, the sign-in button it is still there. Will be replaced with a logout button in a future version.

  • In coop if someone joins after the operation has started, the scenegraph may not sync properly on the client.

  • Clients cannot perform the insert plug action (last animation action) on the Cultural Heritage sample app.

  • CTD is not tested on co-op.

  • On continuous tear there are still some artifacts when cutting.

  • Tearing can sometimes not work when scalpel touches the mesh, but the tear is done when the scalpel is moved a bit.

  • On drill, if the model is low poly the holes are not circular.

MAGES™ SDK 4.0.1

MAGES™ SDK 4.0.0


  • VR mirror was removed due to malfunction on android devices.

  • Optional Actions are not working properly on coop (especially when used as Alternatives).

  • Some missing references, materials and mesh references on prefabs due to the MAGES renaming and splitting of SampleApps.

  • The photon configuration needs some manual work to attach the PhotonID on the prefabs and change the setting from fixed to takeover.

  • Analytic UIs are not properly spawned in some cases.

  • If you don’t have the IK package, the usernames on top of the network avatars is rotated downwards.

  • Camera can pass through the ceiling in some Sample apps.

  • Users cannot generate new tools using the ToolsEnum.dll. As a bypass we included some dummy tools to use.

  • The same applies with the language translator, it is not possible to add new languages and entries.

MAGES™ SDK 3.3.1


  • VR mirror is not working properly due to new Rendering Mode.

  • MacOS some libraries may not be compatible due to a new Gatekeeper policy and need manually allow execution.

  • Some prefabs in CVRSB co-op are not working properly

MAGES™ SDK 3.3.0


  • VR mirror is not working properly due to new Rendering Mode.

  • MacOS some libraries may not be compatible due to a new Gatekeeper policy and need manually allow execution.

  • Some prefabs in CVRSB co-op are not working properly

MAGES™ SDK 3.2.1


  • Analytics from android devices are not visualized/loaded properly on ORamaVR Portal.

  • VR mirror is not working properly on Vive Focus Plus headset.

  • When answering a question on the updated question prefab, the Action automatically performs.

  • In Coop clients can perform the updated question Actions but the question animations and the result’s visualization are not shown properly.

MAGES™ SDK 3.2.0


Medical Sample App

  • The CooP for the Medical Sample App might be unstable for certain actions

  • On Operation exit your hands change material to pink (not a feature)

  • No room physical boundaries – users can navigate out of the room

  • 2Dof Camera is not properly set, needs to be reinstantiated on the Scene from MAGES™ Menu


  • The CooP for the CVRSB might be unstable for certain actions

  • 2Dof initial Camera position is located in the wrong place

  • Instead of 2Dof, the default Camera is SteamVR

MAGES™ SDK 3.1.0



  • Several Warnings on Unity Editor (do not affect the experience)