MAGES™ SDK Known Issues¶
MAGES™ SDK 4.3.0¶
When importing the samples in a new project, the corresponding MagesSettings file may not contain the correct reference to the OperationStartUI
There is an error “A Native Collection has not been disposed” when https request used
When skipping the operation start before MAGES loads all assets, player avatar is missing
Can not add custom sounds in collision sound framework
Reconnect to session does not always work
MAGES™ SDK 4.2.4¶
When importing the samples in a new project, the corresponding MagesSettings file may not contain the correct reference to the OperationStartUI
In medical simulation there is a case where some errors may pop up in the console when the user touches the UIs that appear in the scene
MAGES™ SDK 4.2.2¶
MAGES™ SDK 4.2.1¶
MAGES™ SDK 4.2.0¶
MAGES™ SDK 4.1.0¶
In some cases (e.g. QuestionAction) the Analytics scoring factors are crashing the Action on perform.
In CTD there are some artifacts left after performing incisions.
MAGES™ SDK 4.0.2¶
When you log in, the sign-in button it is still there. Will be replaced with a logout button in a future version.
In coop if someone joins after the operation has started, the scenegraph may not sync properly on the client.
Clients cannot perform the insert plug action (last animation action) on the Cultural Heritage sample app.
CTD is not tested on co-op.
On continuous tear there are still some artifacts when cutting.
Tearing can sometimes not work when scalpel touches the mesh, but the tear is done when the scalpel is moved a bit.
On drill, if the model is low poly the holes are not circular.
MAGES™ SDK 4.0.1¶
MAGES™ SDK 4.0.0¶
VR mirror was removed due to malfunction on android devices.
Optional Actions are not working properly on coop (especially when used as Alternatives).
Some missing references, materials and mesh references on prefabs due to the MAGES renaming and splitting of SampleApps.
The photon configuration needs some manual work to attach the PhotonID on the prefabs and change the setting from fixed to takeover.
Analytic UIs are not properly spawned in some cases.
If you don’t have the IK package, the usernames on top of the network avatars is rotated downwards.
Camera can pass through the ceiling in some Sample apps.
Users cannot generate new tools using the ToolsEnum.dll. As a bypass we included some dummy tools to use.
The same applies with the language translator, it is not possible to add new languages and entries.
MAGES™ SDK 3.3.1¶
VR mirror is not working properly due to new Rendering Mode.
MacOS some libraries may not be compatible due to a new Gatekeeper policy and need manually allow execution.
Some prefabs in CVRSB co-op are not working properly
MAGES™ SDK 3.3.0¶
VR mirror is not working properly due to new Rendering Mode.
MacOS some libraries may not be compatible due to a new Gatekeeper policy and need manually allow execution.
Some prefabs in CVRSB co-op are not working properly
MAGES™ SDK 3.2.1¶
Analytics from android devices are not visualized/loaded properly on ORamaVR Portal.
VR mirror is not working properly on Vive Focus Plus headset.
When answering a question on the updated question prefab, the Action automatically performs.
In Coop clients can perform the updated question Actions but the question animations and the result’s visualization are not shown properly.
MAGES™ SDK 3.2.0¶
Medical Sample App
The CooP for the Medical Sample App might be unstable for certain actions
On Operation exit your hands change material to pink (not a feature)
No room physical boundaries – users can navigate out of the room
2Dof Camera is not properly set, needs to be reinstantiated on the Scene from MAGES™ Menu
The CooP for the CVRSB might be unstable for certain actions
2Dof initial Camera position is located in the wrong place
Instead of 2Dof, the default Camera is SteamVR