
namespace ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor


enum PrefabType

enum PrefabActionOnPerform

enum PrefabAvailableLayers

enum PrefabMaterialType

enum PrefabInteractableType

enum OnPrefabDetachFeature

enum PumpMode

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::AnimationMovePrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::CollisionHitPrefabConstructor This script should be attached to gameObjects that their purpose is to be hit into place. Most common example is the gameObject being a pin ready to be hit by a hammer.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::DestroyTime Most prefabs spawned for a specific action are destroyed but the time the action is completed. If a prefab needs to be destroyed in another action, it can be achieved using this class to select the action where it’s going to be destroyed.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::GenericPrefabConstructor Almost all prefabs used in a scene have similar properties. Many of these properties are grouped into different types of PrefabConstructor scripts that all inherit this one the GenericPrefabConstructor. These scripts initialize the prefabs with the values provided in the inspector by the script itself. They also check if the prefabs contain all the essential components and it automatically adds them if anything is missing otherwise it produces a runtime error explaining what is wrong with the prefab.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableFinalPlacementPrefabConstructor This script is for the prefabs that are placed to the final position, and wait for the duplicated interactable prefabs to be inserted by the user in their own position

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractablePrefabConstructor This script is for any prefab that can be grabbed from the User. It has physics properties and when spawned it is stored to the PrefabSpawnManager and it’s observed regularly. In case of a bug (mostly due to physics) it will be respawned with it’s starting transform.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableWithParentPrefabConstructor This script inherits from InteractablePrefabConstructor and works in exactly the same way Only difference is that the gameObject this script is attach to, it is a child of another gameObject that does NOT have interactable attributes

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::NonTriggerColliderPrefabConstructor This script should be attached to prefabs with only non triggered colliders that can be (physically only) interacted with the user (e.g. pushing)

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::PumpPrefabConstrutor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::QuestionPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::RemoveWithToolsCostructor This script is for any prefab that needs to be interacted by the user with the use of another Tool. This script as a component by itself will have a dropdown list for the developer to choose the tools that can grab the gameObject that this script is attached to.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::ToolAndTime Keeps for each tool how much time it needs to interact with each collider

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::ToolColliderPrefabConstructor This script should be attach to a gameObject which is just a grouping parent of many children where each one is a separate collider. This gameObject will interact with any tool given with the dropdown list. By interacting we mean that when the tool collides with one of the colliders, it destroys the collider after the time given. if all the colliders-children of the gameObject are destroyed, this script will trigger the EventManager as the gameObject’s function is considered complete.

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::UseColliderPrefabConstructor Generally the purpose of this script is that the collider attached to the gameObject containing this script expects a collision OLNY with all the prefabs that are dragged n dropped in this component’s dropdown list. If it detects that the collision comes from one of the desired prefabs, and the timer during this collision passed the minimum amount of time given (variable stayTime), this gameObject’s function is considered complete.


enum PrefabType


enum PrefabActionOnPerform


enum PrefabAvailableLayers


enum PrefabMaterialType


enum PrefabInteractableType


enum OnPrefabDetachFeature


enum PumpMode


class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::AnimationMovePrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::AnimationMovePrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor


public float stayTime

public float targetPercentage

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls this function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action) Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

protected inline virtual override void Start()


public float stayTime
public float targetPercentage
public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action)

Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

  • _action set function with float parameter

protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::CollisionHitPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::CollisionHitPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script should be attached to gameObjects that their purpose is to be hit into place. Most common example is the gameObject being a pin ready to be hit by a hammer.

The gameObject’s set up is very specific. It must be placed to it’s final position (where it should be after the hits). Then select in what direction it should go after each hit and finally insert the hit count and the step size per hit. On start the gameObject will translate in the opposide direction of the hit direction selected from the developer. The translated distance is: hitStep * hitCount

The gameObject upon impact with the tool will measure the tool’s velocity. If the velocity is smaller than the value given (minMagnitude) it will ignore the collision.

NOTICE both gameObject and tool need to have Rigidbodies to measure velocity as it is a Physics variable.


public ToolsEnum tool

public float hitStep

public int hitCount

public float minMagnitude

public float collisionTimeDiff

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls this function on the prefab to finalize it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Called when a hit activated by remote user Called for each hit, also display percentage for all other users

protected VectorSelection vectorDirection

protected inline virtual override void Start()

protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)


public ToolsEnum tool
public float hitStep
public int hitCount
public float minMagnitude
public float collisionTimeDiff
public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Called when a hit activated by remote user Called for each hit, also display persentage for all other users

protected inline virtual override void Start()
protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::DestroyTime

Most prefabs spawned for a specific action are destroyed but the time the action is completed. If a prefab needs to be destroyed in another action, it can be achieved using this class to select the action where it’s going to be destoryed.


public int Lesson


public int Lesson

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::GenericPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::GenericPrefabConstructor
  : public MonoBehaviour

Almost all prefabs used in a scene have similar properties. Many of these properties are grouped into different types of PrefabConstructor scripts that all inherit this one the GenericPrefabConstructor. These scripts initialize the prefabs with the values provided in the inspector by the script itself. They also check if the prefabs contain all the essential components and it automatically adds them if anything is missing otherwise it produces a runtime error explaining what is wrong with the prefab.

NOTICE This perticular script should not be used by itself on any prefab as it just contains all the common functions. Only the inherited members should be attached.

PrefabMaterialType is used for different sounds. Being still under development it will not -in most cases- work

REQUIREMENTS The Unity Project MUST have at least the layers below in order for the Prefab Constructors to work* Default

  • GrabbablePrefabs

  • TriggerColliderLesson

  • NoTriggerColliderLesson

This is important in order to minimize the observed collision between layers. This can be done by changing the Layer Collision Matrix in Edit->Project Settings->Physics


{property} string EventManagerTriggerKey

public List< DestroyTime>destroyTime Selected the actions where the prefab can be deleted. Leave empty if the prefab is goind to be destroyed by the same action that spawned it

public bool enableKinematicOnReset If true forces kinematic on rigidbody on reset.

public PrefabType prefabType

public PrefabActionOnPerform prefabPerformAction

public Action onPerformDelete

public inline void SetOnPerformAction(Action call)

public inline virtual void ResetPrefab() Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual void [SetNewPrefabStartingTransform] (#classovid_v_r_1_1_utilities_1_1prefab_spawn_manager_1_1prefab_spawn_constructor_1_1_generic_prefab_constructor_1a9ace2d16ef224f0a9e3af7c3da71c379)() Set new starting position and rotation for the prefab if the ones when spawned are not desired it applies the position and rotation at the time this function is called

public inline virtual void SetNewPrefabCustomStartingTransform(Vector3 ResetPosition,Quaternion ResetRotation) THIS FUNCTION MUST BE CALLED AFTER INITIALIZE OR IT WILL BE IGNORED

public inline virtual void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls this function on the prefab to finalize it’s behavior

public inline virtual void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual void FindEventKey() Set the prefab’s EventManagerTriggerKey internally with teh correct key (action’s name)

protected string eventTriggerKey

protected PrefabAvailableLayers differentLayer

protected PrefabAvailableLayers parentDifferentLayer

protected GameObject[] childrenDifferentLayer

protected List< Transform > allChildTransforms

protected Rigidbody addedRigidBody

protected Vector3 startPosition

protected Quaternion startRotation

protected AudioSource prefabAudio

protected bool hideDisplayPercentage

protected Action onPerformFunction This method will be set to Invoke after completing a specific pump prefab object

protected inline virtual void Start()

protected inline void SetUpLayer(int _layer)

protected inline void SetUpRigidBody(bool _kinematic) Sets the prefab’s attributes according to the Rigidbody component

protected inline void SetUpAudioSource(string _soundName)

protected inline void SetUpPrefabSpawnNotifier()

protected inline virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

protected inline virtual void OnDestroy()


{property} string EventManagerTriggerKey
public List< DestroyTime>destroyTime

Selected the actions where the prefab can be deleted. Leave empty if the prefab is goind to be destroyed by the same action that spawned it

public bool enableKinematicOnReset

If true forces kinematic on rigidbody on reset.

public Action onPerformDelete
public inline void SetOnPerformAction(Action call)
public inline virtual void ResetPrefab()

Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual void SetNewPrefabStartingTransform()

Set new starting position and rotation for the prefab if the ones when spawned are not desired it applies the position and rotation at the time this function is called

public inline virtual void SetNewPrefabCustomStartingTransform(Vector3 ResetPosition,Quaternion ResetRotation)


Set new starting position and rotation for the prefab if the ones when spawned are not desired it applies the position and rotation at the time this function is called

  • ResetPosition New reset postion

  • ResetRotation New reset rotation

public inline virtual void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual void FindEventKey()

Set the prefab’s EventManagerTriggerKey internally with teh correct key (action’s name)

protected string eventTriggerKey
protected GameObject[] childrenDifferentLayer
protected List< Transform > allChildTransforms
protected Rigidbody addedRigidBody
protected Vector3 startPosition
protected Quaternion startRotation
protected AudioSource prefabAudio
protected bool hideDisplayPercentage
protected Action onPerformFunction

This method will be set to Invoke after completing a specific pump prefab object

protected inline virtual void Start()
protected inline void SetUpLayer(int _layer)
protected inline void SetUpRigidBody(bool _kinematic)

Sets the prefab’s attributes according to the Rigidbody component

The Rigidboby Component Initializes The Prefab Constructor

  • _kinematic

protected inline void SetUpAudioSource(string _soundName)
protected inline void SetUpPrefabSpawnNotifier()
protected inline virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
protected inline virtual void OnDestroy()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableFinalPlacementPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableFinalPlacementPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script is for the prefabs that are placed to the final position, and wait for the duplicated interactable prefabs to be inserted by the user in their own position

REQUIREMENTS PrefabLerpPlacement


public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls this function on the prefab to finalize it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual override void FindEventKey() Set the prefab’s EventManagerTriggerKey internally with teh correct key (action’s name)

protected inline virtual override void Start()


public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual override void FindEventKey()

Set the prefab’s EventManagerTriggerKey internally with teh correct key (action’s name)

protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractablePrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractablePrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script is for any prefab that can be grabbed from the User. It has physics properties and when spawned it is stored to the PrefabSpawnManager and it’s observed regularly. In case of a bug (mostly due to physics) it will be respawned with it’s strarting transform.

NOTICE ALL prefabs with this script HAVE enabled gravity! if rigidbody is selected to be kinematic then the prefab will be frozen to it’s spawned position as a kinematic until it is grabbed. Upon grabbing the rigidbody will disable it’s kinematic property and re-enable gravity. This is useful for prefabs that spawn into a weird position that in theory should not be affected by gravity.


  • Colliders

  • ovidVRInteractableItem


public PrefabInteractableType prefabInteractableType

public OnPrefabDetachFeature prefabDetachFeature

public bool allowPrefabManualReset

public inline virtual override void ResetPrefab() Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected float minDistanceReset

protected OvidVRInteractable prefabInteract

protected string audioMaterial

protected bool prefabDropped

protected bool isRightHand

protected inline virtual override void Start()

protected inline virtual IEnumerator SetUpInteractableItemListeners()

protected inline void PrefabPicked()

protected inline void PrefabDropped()

protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)


public inline virtual override void ResetPrefab()

Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected float minDistanceReset
protected OvidVRInteractable prefabInteract
protected string audioMaterial
protected bool prefabDropped
protected bool isRightHand
protected inline virtual override void Start()
protected inline virtual IEnumerator SetUpInteractableItemListeners()
protected inline void PrefabPicked()
protected inline void PrefabDropped()
protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableWithParentPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableWithParentPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.InteractablePrefabConstructor

This script inherits from InteractablePrefabConstructor and works in exactly the same way Only difference is that the gameObject this script is attach to, it is a child of another gameObject that does NOT have interactable attributes

e.g. for a simple tool in the scene that has no parent we attach InteractablePrefabConstructor. But for a lever that is interactable and it is a child of a non interactable wall (wall as a gameObject as well) we attach the InteractableWithParentPrefabConstructorto the lever to be able to be used by the user.

NOTICE Unity’s parenting does not work well with physics behavior and interaction attached to gameObjects. This script is still under development


public inline virtual override void ResetPrefab() Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()

protected inline virtual override IEnumerator [SetUpInteractableItemListeners(#classovid_v_r_1_1_utilities_1_1prefab_spawn_manager_1_1prefab_spawn_constructor_1_1_interactable_with_parent_prefab_constructor_1a7e1e946ff737693815c441d0e85fde4c)()

protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)


public inline virtual override void ResetPrefab()

Resets the prefab to the position and rotation it had when spawned

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()
protected inline virtual override IEnumerator SetUpInteractableItemListeners()
protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::NonTriggerColliderPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::NonTriggerColliderPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script should be attached to prefabs with only non triggered colliders that can be (physically only) interacted with the user (e.g. pushing)


protected inline virtual override void Start()


protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::PumpPrefabConstrutor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::PumpPrefabConstrutor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor


public int pumpsToPerform

public PumpMode pumpMode

public bool pauseAnimationOnPerform

public float vibration

public bool reverseAnimation

public bool playSound

public bool continious

public bool pressTrigger

public bool enableRangeMode

public float lowEndToPerform

public float [highEndToPerform(#classovid_v_r_1_1_utilities_1_1prefab_spawn_manager_1_1prefab_spawn_constructor_1_1_pump_prefab_construtor_1a3560edca6c460245258ad37503740ca8)

public float stayTime

public AnimationClip rightHandAnimation

public AnimationClip leftHandAnimation

public string gameObjectName

public string externalStateName

public bool interacting

public bool waitForAllPumpPrefabs

public inline void PlayPumpSound()

public inline void SetTotalPumps(int pumpsID)

public inline void SetInteracting(bool value)

public inline string GetAttachedHand()

public inline void SetRestPumpInteractables(List< GameObject > pumpGoList) Sets references to all the rest pump gameobjects of the current action.

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() Finalizes the Action by removing unnecessary components or destroying the gameObject based on the PrefabActionOnPerform option

public inline float GetPumpProgressValue()

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()


public int pumpsToPerform
public float vibration
public bool reverseAnimation
public bool playSound
public bool continious
public bool pressTrigger
public bool enableRangeMode
public float lowEndToPerform
public float highEndToPerform
public float stayTime
public AnimationClip rightHandAnimation
public AnimationClip leftHandAnimation
public string gameObjectName
public string externalStateName
public bool interacting
public inline void PlayPumpSound()
public inline void SetTotalPumps(int pumpsID)
public inline void SetInteracting(bool value)
public inline string GetAttachedHand()
public inline void SetRestPumpInteractables(List< GameObject > pumpGoList)

Sets references to all the rest pump gameobjects of the current action.

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

Finalizest the Action by removing unesessary components or destroying the gameObject based on the PrefabActionOnPerform option

public inline float GetPumpProgressValue()
public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::QuestionPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::QuestionPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor


public string setChildEventByNetwork

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline int GetNumOfWrongAnswers()

protected inline virtual override void Start()


public string setChildEventByNetwork
public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline int GetNumOfWrongAnswers()
protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::RemoveWithToolsCostructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::RemoveWithToolsCostructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script is for any prefab that needs to be interacted by the user with the use of another Tool. This script as a component by itself will have a dropdown list for the developer to choose the tools that can grab the gameObject that this script is attached to.

The list will contain the tools created inside Unity using ovidVR/Create Tools DLL.

NOTICE This script currently ONLY works for prefabs that are already placed somewhere and have the need to be removed from there and be thrown away.


public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction() when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

protected inline virtual override void Start()

protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) On Trigger Enter check if it is a Tool that can grab this prefab

protected inline virtual override void OnDestroy()


public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline virtual override void FinalizePrefabAction()

when action is complete it calls theis function on the prefab to finalise it’s behavior

protected inline virtual override void Start()
protected inline virtual override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)

On Trigger Enter check if it is a Tool that can grab this prefab

  • other

protected inline virtual override void OnDestroy()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::ToolAndTime

Keeps for each tool how much time it needs to itneract with each collider


public ToolsEnum useTool public float timeToUse


public ToolsEnum useTool
public float timeToUse

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::ToolColliderPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::ToolColliderPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

This script should be attach to a gameObject which is just a grouping parent of many children where each one is a separate collider. This gameObject will interact with any tool given with the dropdown list. By interacting we mean that when the tool collides with one of the colldiers, it destroys the collider after the time given. if all the colliders-children of the gameObject are destoryed, this script will trigger the EventManager as the gameObject’s function is considered complete.

When spawned, every 1st depth child is attached with the script ToolTriggerCollider

REQUIREMENTS* only 1st depth children

  • all children must be identical (simple colliders)


{property} List< ToolAndTime>ToolsList

public int numberOfColliders

public string setChildEventByNetwork

public inline void CollisionEvent(GameObject colliderTriggered) For Internal Use between plug-ins DO NOT call manually

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action) Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()


{property} List< ToolAndTime>ToolsList
public int numberOfColliders
public string setChildEventByNetwork
public inline void CollisionEvent(GameObject colliderTriggered)

For Internal Use between plug-ins DO NOT call manually

  • colliderTriggered

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action)

Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

  • _action set function with float parameter

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

protected inline virtual override void Start()

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::UseColliderPrefabConstructor

class ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::UseColliderPrefabConstructor
  : public ovidVR.Utilities.prefabSpawnManager.prefabSpawnConstructor.GenericPrefabConstructor

Generally the purpose of this script is that the collider attached to the gameObject containing this script expects a collision OLNY with all the prefabs that are dragged n dropped in this component’s dropdown list. If it detects that the collision comes from one of the desired prefabs, and the timer during this collision passed the minimum amount of time given (variable stayTime), this gameObject’s function is considered complete.


public float stayTime

public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork() Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action) Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

protected inline virtual override void Start()


public float stayTime
public inline virtual override void FinalizeByNetwork()

Internal function for the multiplayer, Ignore

public inline void SetOnStayTimeAction(Action< float > _action)

Set a callback function for the collision This function will be called every fixed frame during the collision

  • _action set function with float parameter

protected inline virtual override void Start()

struct ovidVR::Utilities::prefabSpawnManager::prefabSpawnConstructor::InteractableWithParentPrefabConstructor::InteractableParent


public Transform parentTransform

public Rigidbody parentRigidbody

public OvidVRInteractable parentInteract

public inline  InteractableParent(Transform _t,Rigidbody _r,OvidVRInteractable _i)


public Transform parentTransform
public Rigidbody parentRigidbody
public OvidVRInteractable parentInteract
public inline  InteractableParent(Transform _t,Rigidbody _r,OvidVRInteractable _i)