VR Camera

Camera as a Gameobject

The VR Camera is an implementation of SteamVR’s camera and assets from the MAGES SDK. It contains a connection to a generic set of hands created from ORamaVR (UserHands) in order to be the same for any type of commercial HMD used.

Camera Tags & Layers

Controller (left) & (right) [Desktop], LeftHandAnchor & RightHandAnchor [Quest] and Generic_MC_L & Generic_MC_R [Vive Focus Plus] must both be in the layer UserHands and the first one must have the tag LeftPalm and the second one the RightHand. This involves all their children too. Above them the CameraRig [Desktop], OVRCameraRig [Quest], WaveVR [Vive Focus Plus] where the collider for the camera is located, the layer CameraRig must be applied. Only for that specific gameobject and not its children.

UserHands Gameobject

On the children-gameobjects HandL & HandR, it is attached the script Animation Controller. As the name implies it controls all the animations for the hand depending on what button the user is pressing (e.g. pressing the trigger button, it plays the animation for the index finger). Also an animator component is attached with the hand’s animation.

Desktop Camera Setup

Character Controller

On [CameraRig] there is the Character Controller component. This is a Capsule Collider used to restrict the camera movement inside the scene. As explained before this specific gameobject is the only child in the VRCamera that has the layer CameraRig. The developers should setup in the Project Settings->Physics what layers should be visible by this collider.

Camera Rig Input Controller

Also the [CameraRig] contains the script Camera Rig Input Controller. It contains all code for the camera movement (x-z translation, rotation, height) using the controllers and keyboard.

Player’s Hands

The objects Controller (left) and Controller (right) serve as the player’s hands.

Main Camera
Under Camera (head), there are the following objects:
  1. Camera (eye): The player’s main camera component.

  2. UserUISpawnPoint: A gameobject that only counts as a reference for UI positioning. It faces the Camera Eye with a slight offset in the forward axis. Its purpose is to be the spawn point for every UI that gets spawned.

  3. Camera (ears): A gameobject that acts as the player’s ears.

  4. Target_IK: A gameobject that serves as the target point of avatars (in case they are used).

VR Camera

Oculus Quest Camera Setup

Character Controller

On OVRCameraRig there is the Character Controller component. This is a Capsule Collider used to restrict the camera movement inside the scene.

Camera Rig Input Controller

Also the OVRCameraRig contains the script Camera Rig Input Controller. It contains all code for the camera movement (x-z translation, rotation, height) using the controllers.

Player’s Hands

The objects LeftHandAnchor and RightHandAnchor serve as the player’s hands.

Main Camera
Under CenterEyeAnchor, (main camera) there are the following objects:
  1. UserUISpawnPointQuest: A gameobject that only counts as a reference for UI positioning. It faces the Camera Eye with a slight offset in the forward axis. Its purpose is to be the spawn point for every UI that gets spawned.

  2. GlassesEffect: A gameobject that alters the camera vision, making it darker, like the player is wearing glasses.

  3. Target_IK: A gameobject that serves as the target point of avatars (in case they are used).


Vive Focus Plus Camera Setup

Character Controller

On WaveVR there is the Character Controller component. This is a Capsule Collider used to restrict the camera movement inside the scene.

Camera Rig Input Controller

Also the WaveVR contains the script Camera Rig Input Controller. It contains all code for the camera movement (x-z translation, rotation, height) using the controllers.

Player’s Hands

The objects Generic_MC_L and Generic_MC_R serve as the player’s hands.

Main Camera
Under head, (main camera) there are the following objects:
  1. UserUISpawnPointVive: A gameobject that only counts as a reference for UI positioning. It faces the Camera Eye with a slight offset in the forward axis. Its purpose is to be the spawn point for every UI that gets spawned.

  2. GlassesEffect: A gameobject that alters the camera vision, making it darker, like the player is wearing glasses.

  3. Target_IK: A gameobject that serves as the target point of avatars (in case they are used).
