MAGES Setup Script

In this section we will cover how you can configure –via code– certain settings of your application (mostly runtime).

Let’s start with some code.

void Start()
    // Note: The order is important.
    // Here you can specify certain configuration properties that concern the following: Paths, ApplicationSettings.

    MAGESSetup.Get.ProductCode = MAGESSetup.Get.productCode; // This should only change on build! On Unity.Editor it must remain as it is
    MAGESSetup.Quality = QualityConfig.High;
    MAGESSetup.Region = Region.Auto;
    MAGESSetup.Difficulty = UserAccountManager.Difficulty.Easy;

    OperationXML = MAGESSetup.Get.OperationXML == null ? null : + ".xml";


    MAGESSetup.Get.ConfigurePreInitialization(); // Important


The above snippet is the Start() MonoBehavior function override of sceneGraph.cs, a script that can be found inside the SampleScene under the SCENE_MANAGEMENT gameObject.


Without sceneGraph your application won’t load!

As you can observe from the snippet above, MAGESSetup is another script that is responsible for setting certain properties for your application.

In general, MAGESSetup offers two crucial methods:

  1. MAGESSetup.ConfigurePreInitialization();

  2. MAGESSetup.ConfigurePostInitialization();

From this we can deduce three main points:

  1. Everything related to application settings, paths and storyboard is set prior to MAGESSetup.ConfigurePreInitialization();

  2. initializeSceneGraph() is invoked straight after to load the corresponding Storyboard

  3. Everything related to users and analytics (e.g., your own user management) is set after sceneGraph has initialized via MAGESSetup.ConfigurePostInitialization();


Do not change the sequence/structure, or you will almost certainly experience unexpected behaviors!

By default MAGESSetup.cs has certain values set which you can inspect by opening the script.


  • The first step is to set the Product or Application name via the string property MAGESSetup.Get.ProductCode;.

    By default, ProductCode is set to “platform” for the Unity Editor.


    If you are running inside the Unity Editor do not change the ProductCode, otherwise, your application will crash.

    The ProductCode gets appended to the path under Documents {User}/Documents/ORamaVR/Story/{ProductCode} where your application will be looking to load the Storyboard, in built-mode (i.e., when you have produced an executable).

    However, in the Unity Editor, Storyboard is by default looking under /Assets/Resources/Storyboard/platform to load your storyboard.

  • Then, you can proceed to set the Quality settings through the enum property MAGESSetup.Get.QualityConfig;.

    These are the graphic quality settings that are set into Unity.

    The enum takes one of the following three values [Low, Medium, High]. Default is set to High. However, in certain builds (e.g., Android) you might need to lower the quality.

  • Afterwards, you can specify a region for your COOP (–Multiplayer) servers by setting the enum property MAGESSetup.Get.Region;.

    Default is set to Auto.

    Other available options are: [UnitedStates, Europe, Signapore].

  • Further, you can configure the difficulty of your application towards the end-user behaviors through the enum property MAGESSetup.Get.Difficulty;.

    Default value is set to Easy.

    Other available options are: [Medium, Hard].


    Difficulty utilizes the enum from UserAccountManager.Difficulty.

  • Finally, you need to set the names of the XML files your Storyboard will load from.

    To do so, invoke the function MAGESSetup.Get.SetXMLNames(string arg1, string arg2, string arg3, string arg4);.

    You can configure these values from the Unity Editor/Inspector under SCENE_MANAGEMENT/Scene Graph gameObject.

    Empty/Null values for AlternativeLessons, AlternativeStages and AlternativeActions are allowed.


After you have set all pre-initialization options, initializeSceneGraph(); will run and load your Storyboard and everything related to your specified settings.


  • You can proceed to set custom properties for your analytics.

    For instance, the OnlineURL where your user analytics will be uploaded, alongside with custom FormFields and potentially custom HeaderFields for token authentication (if your platform supports that).

    In addition, you can also set the local file paths your analytics will be exported to.

A full list of available Analytics configurations is provided in the code snippet below.

#region Analytics
public static string EditorPathToAnalytics { get; set; }

public static string OverrideLocalWindowsPath { get; set; }

public static string OverrideLocalAndroidPath { get; set; }

public static string OnlineURL { get; set; }

public static List<AnalyticsExporter.FormField> FormFields { get; set; }

public static List<AnalyticsExporter.HeaderKey> HeaderKeys { get; set; }

    public static string PathToAnalytics { get; set; } = "/data/data/" + PackageName + "/Analytics/";
    public static string PathToAnalytics { get; set; } = "";


Alternatively, you can set important information for your project through the MAGESSettings.asset.
