In this section we will explain the UIs that already come with the MAGES SDK and what they perform after you click them.
Operation Start¶
This is the Operation Start UI, by default it is spawned with the OperationStart Action. You can assign a new Ui to pop from the MAGESSettings.asset.
SINGLE PLAYER: Performs the Action and starts the operation.
ONLINE SESSIONS: Opens the networking panel for collaborative sessions.
REPLAY SESSION: Opens the VR Recorder panel to replay the selected session.
EXIT VR: Exits the application.
Networking UI¶
JOIN SESSION: After user has selected a session from the list, click this button to join the collaborative room.
CREATE NEW SESSION: Creates a new coop session.
EXIT VR: Exits the application.
Login UI¶
SAVE ACCOUNT: Remembers the login and password of user.
LOGIN: Logins the session if user has entered valid credentials.
MODULE OPTIONS: Opens additional options like server region or language selection (can be customized).
LOGIN WITH SSO: Login with Single Sign Auth. Can be customized for your case.
CREATE ACCOUNT: This option can be customized and linked to your custom portal for users to create their account.
ENTER SSO 4-DIGIT CODE: Users will insert the 4-digit code they got from the SSO verification.
Operation Exit¶
ANALYTICS SCORE: Opens the Analytics panel.
RESTART SESSION: Restarts the session.
EXIT VR: Exits the application.
NEXT ACTION: Goes to the next Action (calls the Perform method).
PREVIOUS ACTION: Goes to the previous Action (calls the Undo method).
RESTART SESSION: Restarts the session.
EXIT VR: Exits the application.
Notification UIs¶
Error: Pops up when the user performs an action that will trigger an error.
Critical Error: Pops up when the user performs an action that will trigger a crical error.
Warning: Pops up when the user performs an action that will trigger a warning.
Notifications: Informs the user for a certain event.