Use Collider Prefab Constructor

The idea behind this prefab is similar to the one explained in the 5.5. This component should be attached to prefabs that contain by themselves a collider that when triggered with specific actors it triggers the Event Manager for the Action completion. In addition, based on the desired usage of the interactable different configuration is needed. The difference here is that the actors for the collision are type-unrestricted. Anything can be inserted for the collision to be accepted.

Variable Name



Stay Time


In case of collider trigger set to simple or use with tool, set the time needed for the collider to register a successful collision.

Prefabs Used

List of actors

Insert the actors that the collider will await collision with.

Hit Times


In case of collider trigger set to hit, set the amount of successful collisions needed.

Hit force


In case of collider trigger set to hit, set the amount of force needed to register a successful collision.

Hit Movement Vector


In case of collider trigger set to hit, after each successful hit, the offset that will be applied to the primitive component.

Proceed Animation on Collider Hit


If enabled, iIn each successful collision play the next animation from the animation list Animation Names .

Proceed Animation on Perform


If enabled, on action’s perform the next animation from the CharacterAnimationController will be played.

Animation Names

List of strings (animation names)

The names of animation assets that will be played on each successful collision hit. These should referenced be in the CharacterAnimationController component.

Character Actor Name


The name of the actor that has the CharacterAnimationController component. This is usually the actor that has the patient’s skeletal mesh component.

Promote Collider Components


If false, all components under the collider being hit(destroyed) will be destroyed as well. Otherwise, the child components will take its place when destroyed

Collider Trigger

Simple, UseActionCollider, Hit

Specify the behaviour needed from the user in order to register a successful collision.

Prefab Creation Requirements

  1. Primitive component

  2. Overlap Collider(s)